DAS Card

We have a birthday coming up.  The boy will be turning 5 in February. Naturally, I wanted to take him to WDW for his birthday, but that week is crazy packed with holidays and special events.  Instead, we booked a trip just before his birthday, during a non-peak time.

This is something we’ve always had to do when planning our trips.  When is the slowest time that we can go?  Why?  Two reasons, really.  First, crowds make me anxious.  I get panicky and fidgety when there are too many people, when I’m standing in one place (line) for too long, when I can’t move freely.  Second, the boy is the exact same way.  Obviously I, as an adult, can handle it if necessary, but lines over 20 minutes are a no-go for him.  And asking a preschooler to learn to deal with it is, let’s face it, impossible.

This trip, however, we may have an advantage.  Lines should still be relatively short, but for those that aren’t we may have the option of using a Disability Access Service Card.  


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